We're just a day away from leaving for Merida, and I'm very ready to shed this sweater. The weather has gotten unseasonably cold.
The trees here are in various stages of undress, which always amazes. The dogwoods in the white garden are completely nude, and the dogwoods in the cottage garden are still completely clothed. Some oaks are holding onto their leaves, and some are partially shed, and all the annoying sweetgums have dropped their leaves. The fall dead-heading is done, which shows the structure of the garden clearly. It was a good summer for everything in the gardens, thanks to the ugly deer fencing we installed. After 5 years of digging/weeding/amending/planting, the gardens are showing good form. There is more winter work to do, and February '09 is the perfect time to do it!
Travel to warm, beautiful Merida tomorrow!