Most folks are not in a hurry to remove the elaborate nacimientos, and I'm not in a hurry to see them packed away, either. This is prime snow-bird migration season, so in addition to the city excitement, we still have the holiday excitement, and the arrival of old friends. It seems that this past week life has settled into a New Year routine, with hikes and meals with friends and lectures at the library and adventures. My last blog post, already a month old, reminds me that I'm going to spend more time on this blog this year. Taking a cue from Jess and Sally, over at 100 Stories blog, I'm going to try to post about every two weeks. There. Now I'm accountable to you all!
I'm wondering about lots of things so far this year. First, I'm wondering about food pairings. Studying combinations, even casually, with Jose Luis, has me making a list of recipes and food combinations to try. He combined guayaba, basil, cream and chocolate to make a memorable dessert. Catch me while I swoon with the memory! We had another opportunity to cook, and sample mezcal, with him in January at Michelle's house in Teotitlan del Valle.
We prepared salsas, salads, stuffed squash blossoms and chicken, all made with locally produced ingredients. Meeting Michelle has been one highlight of 2014, and connecting with the enthusiasm of Jose Luis is another. I can't wait for Jose Luis to open his new restaurant, location in Oaxaca yet to be revealed.

Friends Joan and Bob arrived from San Francisco, and Joan and I jumped right back into our routine of visiting and exploring textile techniques. Micky and I had connected through our volunteer committment at the Oaxaca Lending Library, while we talked about sewing and art, and we immediately accepted an invitation to form a sewing group here with Joan and Nancy. More wondering occured! We experimented with cloth and beads to build a necklace; wrapped perfectly clean cotton cloth around dirty, rusty metal things just to see what pattern would happen; and dunked more cloth in indigo dye, twisted and pinned and clipped to create resist. The Cinco Senoras wandered through the beautiful Museo de Textiles Oaxaca more than one time, crying becuase of the beauty of the photos and exhibits and words of the people who are working so hard to create beautiful fabrics.
All the while, wondering, "What if...?". Micky has me wondering, too, what I'm going to do with the beautiful embroidered aprons I've bought.
Wandering in the mountains around Cuajimoloyas and Benito Juarez causes me to wonder about the lives of the people who live in this high, remote place. We hiked between the two villages, through fields of corn, potatoes, mustard and squash, with beautiful vistas across valleys. I bought a jar of pickled maguey blossoms from the small tienda in the village. People living just a few miles away don't eat these local flowers. The women in Cuajimoloyas serve them with eggs, or with tortillas. The window of harvest time is small; the maguey grow wild up here, so harvest relies on paying attention.
All this wondering is contagious. No conversation with friends local and snow-bird is complete without wondering why we return, or choose to live in this part of the world. No one has a single answer. Stuart and I will continue to wonder, as we board a bus Friday heading for Tuxtupec, and on to Veracruz to explore. We are sad to leave our friends and our second city, but eager to wander.