The drive up the NY Thruway was easy, and we turned left just south of Albany, and drove through Hoosick, NY. The map promises the road beyond Bennington, Vt to be curvy and steep, and the rain is beginning again, so we find a cg 5 miles out of the small town. The five miles at 6% uphill grade made the truck smell hot, again, even though the temperature gauge showed normal. We'll find a mechanic tomorrow. Bennington, the home of Ethan Allen and Robert Frost, is mostly famous for the site of the Revoluntionary War battle that turned the outcome towards the Patriots. Today, a 300-foot tall monument stands on the site of the battle, from which we had views of three states. It's a picture-postcard small town, the downtown sidewalks decorated with fiberglass "catamounts", made by local artists. It's a fund-raiser, I believe, for the Chamber, or some such group. This is Ethan Allen Catamount.

After spending some quality time at the local mechanic, discovering the brakes are fine, we toured the downtown, between showers. "It's raining cats and dogs" Catamount seemed appropriate for the past few days... Lunch at Madison Brewery, where the IPA was very good, and the salad I had was great.
The rain continued, but the storm system was moving beyond us, finally. Tomorrow, we will climb over Hogback Mountain. Thankfully, the traffic consisted mostly of bikers, who were loving life on this curvy, scenic road. The ubiquitous gift shop, at the high point of the drive, had a display with this quote from 1777, "the worst road I've ever traveled". Not quite so today, thanks to a good road surface.
We spent one night in Chichester, NH, where we kicked some tires on travel trailers at the Camping World lot. Boy, these new rigs have lots of heavy slide-outs and lots of floor space, but NO storage. I think most rigs are now towed to a summer-vacation site and left there, used as a weekend get-away. Nothing for us here.
Finally, we find the coast of Maine, and stop for a couple of nights in Freeport. Of course! We find a perfect site in the Desert of Maine cg, right beside the geographical curiosity, the Desert of Maine. Gary and Ginger, our hosts, are disappointed because the National Geo film crew had postponed their visit to film here until a day with sunshine. And, a couple of school groups have canceled their tour today, too. There is only one other site occupied in the cg, and it's a pretty place. We walk through the desert, marveling at how the glacial sands, due to erosion after plowing the topsoil, have migrated to cover the old farm, burying the spring house under 90 feet of sand! Handmade pizza for dinner, with fresh peas, shrooms, tomatoes and chorizo. Yummm!

Lobstah time. The next day, we head to South Freeport, to the lobster pound Gary recommended. To our surprise, it is the same picturesque (gotta find another word!) place we'd stumbled on 12 years ago, on another trip to this part of the world. Our first lobsta rolls, eaten outside by the docks. In the sun.

While we were there, we bought 2 live lobsters to take home for dinner. Hey, you can't eat too many in one day! It's almost the season, here, for New Shells, which is like a softshell crab. They're a little cheaper: $4.99/pound. Yeah, crazy, isn't it?

This trip, I brought the Big Pot with me, to cook with ease in my own kitchen. It lives under the sofa on travel days. Life is good!
Sounds like you two are having a good time. Did you say you were looking at trailers?
well, looking. But, not buying. We're gonna have to buy a truck before a new cottage!
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