Saturday, December 19, 2009

Break day (rain again)

This is Michael's Downtown Cafe, on the corner of St. Michael's and Conception Streets. This is not his first restaurant. He's a walking miracle, after having survived a liver transplant. Damn fine cook, a few tables and no telephone, no regular menu and no dishwasher. Does all the prep and cooking himself, and spends time between plates visiting with the customers. Don't miss his place if you're in Mobile. 

This is a part of the light display at Bellingrath Garden's...nice trees!

The thermometer outside our kitchen window never got higher than this all day Friday. What a cold spell we're been having lately! But, at least we're not getting the terrible snow the upper east coast is getting right now.
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We spent the day doing almost nothing outside. Too cold and wet. The rain finally quit late in the afternoon, and we walked for a while. The Shady Acres Campground is on the Dog River, and we stretched our legs and lungs in the surrounding neighborhoods just before sunset. Both of us spent the day reading and listening to NPR.

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