Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 18 garden notes

The white clematis by the front sidewalk is pretty, filled with blooms! Since the rabbits, deer and voles don't eat them, I should plant more. And, they don't mind the scattered sun delivery, through all the trees.

The Pride of Mobile azaleas are behind this un-named clematis, and seem to not be on the deer's dining

trail. Yesterday, I dug up two POM azaleas, to give to a friend. They are on the dining trail, so it's time for me to choose something else to plant in that location.

These iris probably came from mama, and this year they are pretty. I've identified another location that could use iris, which will spread the joy around the garden.

The bright green heuchera's are looking good. Think I'll add more of them in one location, maybe add some here. I think the bright green and purple are good friends.

This is the pot by the front door...The last time I tried an ipomoea, sweet potato vine, the deer were very grateful! This is in a different location, we'll see if it makes it. The verbena and dusty miller are nice colors together, I think!

More photos later...
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