Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I Have a Name project

My friend, Tom Feher, is a fine photographer, and a helluva nice guy.  Take a look around his website:  www.tomfeherphotography.com 

Below is a copy of a note he sent me.  Remember that with much probability and a long time ago, your family began it's United States chapter coming from another country.  After you have read the story on Indiegogo, I challenge you to contribute to this project.  Every single dollar counts.  Thank you.

From Tom:
For some of you, this is a story you've heard before. For others, this is new.

Robert Adler, a writer friend, and I, have been working on a project since October of 2012. We have been interviewing and photographing migrantes, migrant workers from Central America and Mexico who are on their way up to the U.S.. Some will make it, many won't. They are fleeing a life of no available work, no money and no hope, with corruption, gangs and paramilitaries thrown into the mix for good measure .  On their way up here they will be robbed, raped, beaten, kidnapped and even murdered...if they don't fall off the train or die of thirst in the desert. And many will be caught and deported even if they do make it across.

We plan on having a traveling exhibit of their stories and photographs, with 24 to 30 images on aluminum, near life size and designed to be hung from the ceiling, so that you are looking at them face to face. There will be a quote from the individual at the top of the photo, and a small book of their histories. It will cost $25,000 to accomplish this successfully. We already have our first venue, in Boston, in December of 2014.

Last spring we had a campaign on Kickstarter, but were novices at fundraising and didn't make our goal, which meant that all the pledges were returned to the contributors. We know a little more now, are better prepared, and with an Indiegogo campaign we get to keep whatever you contribute.

Our campaign starts Monday, October 7, and will last for just 49 days.  I only ask for two things:
On the 7th, (but not before) go to indiegogo.com and put I Have A Name in the search box. Or, if your mother told you never to use a link you didn't know, just go to www.indiegogo.com. Watch the video, read the text, and decide what you want to do. But do it now. Don't wait.
But just as important, even if you don't choose to or already have contributed, PLEASE contact any one you know, anyone in your social media group, religious group, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and let them know about our project. If you do that, we will make our goal. 

We think what we're doing can make a difference. Please help us succeed.

All the best,

Tom Feher


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