Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Last Days in Oaxaca, Jan 2014

 The last few days in Oaxaca are busy.  Like always, we want to squeeze in those last few visits with friends, one more visit to a favorite gallery, village, restaurant, park.  Francine and I had coffee and chocolate at La Brujala...
 I saw the exhibit at the Casa de la Ciudad, works by Adrian Gomez.
A marimba band was set up in the north end of the zocalo, playing traditional Mixteca music, announced by an elegant man in a wheelchair.  Some years ago, he was the conductor of the State Band, I believe.  The music was beautiful!
A beautiful, warm morning, and the balloon vendors were dusting their balloons, visiting with friends.
A young family was resting in the zocalo, feeding the pigeons, while the shoe shine guys looked as the shoes of passers-by.
At the south end of the zocalo, in front of the Governor's Palace, an unusually peaceful demonstration was set up.  Women were cooking, men were sitting in the park, watching the doors, expecting the Governor to come out to talk to them about why there is no water, schools, electricity or paved streets in their villages.  Reasonable questions. Another group was protesting the crooked elections in another small village... both groups were unusually quiet and calm.
A bloqueado was in progress, yet another demonstration, by the teachers, I believe.  This time, the streets in the central historic district were blocked, not causing too much disruption of traffic.  The bloqueado ended by late afternoon.  It made walking and crossing streets much easier, even if it stopped all taxis, buses and colectivos from moving in centro!
A last lunch at Gio...this is panna cotta con aquacate y pomelo.  A savory panna cotta first course, made with avocado, and topped with grapefruit and sprinkling of parsley, pepper and a little salt.  Delicious!  He's one of the most creative chefs anywhere, and always with a smile!
A last lunch at Los Danzantes,with Jo Ann, Tom and Patty.  Tuna, on a bed of corn and a mousse of some seafood that was simply delicious!  I thought the mousse was oyster, but everyone else disagreed, and we couldn't come up with a translation. 
The desserts at Danzantes are always beautifully presented.  Chocolate, on a crumb crust, served with ice cream and a cheese cracker studded with candied orange bits.  Yes, another good Last Supper!
The last sunset cocktails on the roof were decorated with a very colorful sunset.  Many friends came up to laugh and enjoy one more visit.  I'm going to miss this very much.  But, we'll be back!

1 comment:

Jess and Sally said...

I cannot wait till the day comes that we visit you there!