Sunday, March 30, 2014

YSA Beach Week, 2014

 The ocean at high tide, taken from our front porch at North Topsail Beach, March 27, 2014.
Pelicans overhead!  Beach week, 2014, was a different as it was the same.  Our first week together without Gini.  Blair joined us for a few days, and it was a lovely transition.  We all had our meltdowns, but recovered when someone told yet another funny Gini story.  I think the Happy Song (Pharrel Williams) might become our theme song!  Gini would have loved it, and would be singing it with her made-up words.

We ate very well.  I know:  we say that every spring, but really, this seems to be the best meal week we've ever had.  Maybe I'll post the recipes.  Later.  At least the menu for each night.  Later!

 Kari created this Happy Quilt to give the family who just bought her house in Maryland...when they made the offer on the house, they asked if the owners would include the quilts!
 Bonnie dyed just about every article of clothing in her suitcase, and a few odd pieces she found in other rooms. 
 The deck rails, and a sunny afternoon were the perfect combo for drying clothes.
Inspired by Kari's custom-made raincoat, made with a laminated print she bought at Fran's Sewing Circle in Wilmington, NC, I bought fabric from Fran's, and made a Fish Head raincoat for myself.  How can a rainy day NOT be fun when you're wearing this?!?
 Kari, cooking dinner...
 Gypsy adding more inventory to her etsy store, WanderingDesigns.  I'm not posting pictures of her work because you must go to her store!
 Julie, beating me, again, on Words With Friends.  Taking a break from making inventory for her etsy store, RustyWing.  I'm not posting pics of her work because you must go to her store!
 ohmygood!  Red Chicken (about a bushel of tomatoes and a little paprika).
 ohmygood!  A ton of veggies, fruits, nuts and grilled chicken, with Matthew's Famous Vinagrette.
The surprise of the week.  I made ricotta cheese.  From scratch.  It takes NO time, and it is delicious! 
5 cups buttermilk
1 gallon milk
salt to taste
Pour the milks in a big pot. I used skim milk, and lo-fat buttermilk. Slowly bring to 170*, stirring occasionally.  When the temp reaches 170*, stop stirring.  Bring up to 190*, and immediately remove from the heat.  Gently spoon the curds in to a colander lined with a piece of muslin or 5 layers of cheesecloth. Place the colander in the sink, and let drain 15 minutes.  Tie the cloth, let it hang from a stick laid across the big pot for another 15 minutes.  Put the newly made ricotta in a bowl and toss gently with a little salt.  Bring to room temp, and enjoy! 

Now, for a little bedbug fun!  Julie celebrated a Significant Birthday recently, and we celebrated with her by making, and then sort-of-hiding that Significant Number of "bedbugs" during the week. Thanks to grandaughter, Hazel, for inspiring us!
 Blair, Kari, Martha, Gypsy, Julie (in jailhouse stripes), karen, March 2014, North Topsail Beach, NC

Gini died in January, and we are all missing her terribly.  She really did celebrate the little moments.  All day, every day.

Whuddya gonna do?


Betsy said...

What a wonderful report! What a wonderful time together AND a tribute to Gini! Blessings to you all, you glorious group of creative women!!

karenc said...

Thank you, Betsy! Gini loved you so much. And, she's still teaching. So much to learn!