Saturday, January 10, 2009

identify this?

I love color! When I saw this display a few days ago, it was a sure photo opportunity. I drew some snickers from the locals when I snapped this photo. But, when I pointed out how pretty the colors are, they understood. Sometimes, we need to be a tourist in our own backyard, to see how pretty things are.

I just re-read some previous blogs, and it's pretty obvious that I don't proof before I post! But, I'm really keep this blog for me, so if I have inappropriate words, it's because I can't type as fast as I think.
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Theresa in Mèrida said...

At first I thought it was feather boas, but when I enlarge the photo, it occurred to me that it's might be zippers? At some mercerías,they have cubbyholes full of notions. If it isn't zippers, I don't know what it is but the colours sure are pretty!

karenc said...

Hola, Theresa,
Bingo! I was so enamored with the colorful display, I took several can imagine that the young staff was enjoying the silly gringa tourist!
abrazos, k