Monday, January 5, 2009

out of control

Well, the computer has died, and this time it appears to be permanent. No more miraculous resurrections, I´m afraid. So, the posts will now dribble down to nothing, my dears, just because having the option of sitting down at the kitchen table anytime the mood struck was just too good. And, walking the distance of about 1 minute to the internet cafe is too much trouble! How spoiled I have become.

But, before I disappear for a few days, I want to tell you that the MACAY (the city art museum) is fabulous! We went yesterday, and I could go every day, to see the same exhibits! The paintings, sculpures and collages are great, and in such a beautiful building.

So, for a few days, I´ll be away, entertaining mama, and missing having my laptop at the kitchen table.

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