Sunday, January 30, 2011


Stuart and our Captain, on the Ocos lagoon. The captain beached the boat on the backside of the island, and he carried Stuart's bag up the sand path. He called to two boys playing close by, and they giggled and fought over who would carry it a little further along the sand path to the hotel. Boys start that macho stuff early. I walked behind, happy to have my toes in the sand, and smell the salt air.

We dumped our bags at the hotel, grabbed a beer from the cooler, and walked out on the beach. This is the first time I've seen black sand, volcanic sand. The sand is as coarse here as our white sand beaches in NC. We've arrived just inn time for sunset on the Pacific...

Backing up a little....this is the backside of the island. The only transportation here is a little boat, some owners are lucky enough to have a motor. Others use short, home-made paddles.

Our first sunset at Tilapita...
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